1 | Palm Sunday

The last few weeks, all over the state, I've heard testimonies of a move of God that's happening. I've listened to reports of spontaneous revivals that have gone multiple nights, healing, salvation, spirit baptisms, and people called to ministry. A couple of weeks ago, I was in a service where dozens of people were saved. I'm just so excited about what God is doing.

With Palm Sunday being this week and Easter next Sunday, I want to encourage you to make sure that we focus on being fishers of men and women. In Jesus's words, he grabbed Simon, Peter, and his brother, Andrew, and he said, "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." And then, right after that, James and John became fishers of men because Jesus went and fished for them.

When my son was very young, I took him on his first fishing expedition, and as he cast the line, the hook went in the water, and he instantly caught a fish. He was so thrilled, and he had a big grin. He was so excited. It was a great dad moment. And then he threw the line in again and caught another fish. He did this three times. And the fourth time, he had to wait a little bit, just a few minutes. He said, "Dad, I'm bored." He had had an incredible fishing experience and didn't realize that most fishing is learning how to be patient. And in this season of Easter, it's time to go fishing.

Church research tells us that more people that are unchurched, de-churched, and that aren't followers of Jesus are more likely to come to church on Easter Sunday than any other Sunday in the year. So, I want us to pray and make sure that we're equipping our people to be fishers of men.

I have seen all over Oklahoma covered in billboards and invite cards, and social media blasts, and I love all of that. I used to use helicopters to get the word out that Jesus is our savior. I was at Enid First Assembly Saturday night and Sunday morning for their services. They were getting their people excited about an outreach coming up in the community, trying to get people to follow Jesus. The week before, I was at Lawton First Assembly, and they were motivating their people to invite people.

This Palm Sunday, as you're preparing for your glorious Hosanna sermon and the amazing worship that's going to happen at your church, could I encourage you to carve out some time to pray and prepare your people to invite someone who is not a follower of Jesus Christ?

I believe in a mighty harvest, and I just wanted to encourage you to go fishing and prepare your people to go fishing. Give them a fishing pole, a hook, a little bait, and pray over them this Palm Sunday. And let's believe for the most miraculous supernatural Easter Resurrection Sunday that we could ever imagine. Our world events, with the chaos that's happening in Ukraine, and the continual decline of our cultural values, I believe have allowed people to be sensitive to the gospel of Jesus Christ. And I believe that's one reason we're seeing such openness and even a move of God. I'm praying for the Heavens to be opened and for a move of God to come to your church on Easter Sunday.


2 | What Now?